Five Ways to Cut Your Energy Costs as We Head Into Winter

Prices around the country continue to soar. As we head into fall and then into the holiday season, any way to save money is welcome. These are some simple ways to cut your energy costs and consumption for the long winter ahead, suggested by the best HVAC company in Charleston.

Change Your Air Filters

One of the quickest and easiest ways to cut your energy costs for the winter is to replace the air filters throughout your home. Air filters are the first line of defense against fine particles getting into your ductwork, where they can limit air flow and make your furnace or heat pump work harder. If you change your air filters, your HVAC system won’t need to work around the clock, and you’ll reduce the wear and tear that can lead to a shorter lifespan. Ideally, you should change out the air filters about every 30 days.

Weatherproof Your Windows and Doors

If you have an older home, then insulating your door and window jambs will help to stop air from leaking in and out of your home. Over time, your home begins to settle, which can cause cracks and crevices around your windows and doors that will decrease energy efficiency and increase your energy costs. Any DIY center will have what you need to weatherproof your home inexpensively, reducing your overall monthly energy costs!

Perform Routine Maintenance on Your Furnace

Regular maintenance is a must not just to keep your furnace running efficiently throughout the winter months, but also to extend its lifespan. When dirt and debris are allowed to accumulate, they can lead to friction that can make your furnace work harder than it should. Over time, that not only increases its energy consumption; it can lead to wear and tear that will end up leading to unnecessary repairs – or worse, having to prematurely replace the system. Also, during your maintenance appointment, the technician will inspect your furnace to make sure that nothing is amiss. Being proactive about ensuring your furnace is working properly is always less expensive than paying for repairs after the fact.

Reset Your Thermostat

One of the best ways to reduce your energy costs is to use your programmable thermostat for efficiency. As we head into the fall, make sure you reset the temperature settings around your fall schedule. If you had the thermostat set at 76 for the summer, you will want to turn it down. Just one degree less can save you two to three percent on your overall energy costs yearly. Although that might not sound like a lot, over the course of months every little bit counts!

Use Your Window Treatments

Your window treatments aren’t only there to provide privacy. If you use them effectively, you can let the sun’s radiant heat in during the day to heat things up; then at night, they can keep cold air and drafts where they belong: outside.

As we head into the fall, with the cost of living on the rise, any little thing you can do to reduce your energy costs is welcome! If you use these energy cost-cutting tips from the best HVAC company in Charleston, you can start to put a little bit aside for holiday spending. At Carolina Comfort Specialists, we are experts at ensuring your HVAC system works optimally to save you money. Contact us today to schedule your regular maintenance appointment.