To Repair or Replace – That is the Question!

As we head into 2022, your ice machine is a year older. If it isn’t in great shape, you might be asking whether it is more economical to hire a commercial ice machine repair company, or to replace it altogether. These are four things to consider to make the wisest and most economical choice for the year ahead.

It is Nearing its Lifespan

When you purchased your ice machine, you were probably given a general lifespan that it would operate. If you are nearing the end, and the machine is not working properly, then it might behoove you to purchase a new one. Newer ice machines are more energy-efficient and just work better. Sure, it will be an investment to buy new, but it doesn’t make much sense to fix something that won’t last anyway.

You Are Considering Upgrading

Over the past decade, appliances have become much more energy-efficient, and that includes ice machines. If yours is having a hard time keeping pace with the demands of your establishment, then you might want to invest in an upgrade instead of repairing it. It’s quite likely that you can sell your current one for parts and then invest that into a new machine that will provide you with everything you need without a hassle!

Consider the Option of Renting!

If your ice machine is on the fritz and it is going to be expensive to repair, you might want to consider renting an ice machine. Your ice machine is vital for your overall operation, so don’t take a chance that it will run out at the busiest time of the year. Renting an ice machine means that the maintenance is not your problem and you don’t have to worry about repairs. When you rent, you rid yourself of the hardships of paying for minor repairs and upgrades. Renting means it is someone else’s problem.

It is In Good Shape But Needs a Little TLC

If your ice machine is generally in good shape but just needs a minor repair, then go ahead and invest in repairing it. If you have a couple more years before it is done, then repairing makes good economic sense. You already paid for the depreciation, so you might as well ride it out until you can’t anymore!

As we quickly roll into 2022, most business owners are hoping that the New Year will bring prosperity and a return to pre-pandemic normalcy. If you have let things go a bit and your ice machine isn’t working optimally, then call our commercial ice machine repair service and we can evaluate it and give you our opinion about whether it makes more sense to fix it or replace it. At Carolina Comfort Specialists, we always give you the best and most transparent advice in the industry. Contact us to schedule your repair service today!