As we head into spring, one sure sign that warm weather is upon us is the coating of green pollen on everything from car windshields to house siding. Pollen in Charleston is unmistakably a sign that spring has sprung and summer is not far behind. If you are someone who suffers from allergies, you are probably welcoming the warmth – but not the suffering that comes from it. Here are five ways to ease indoor allergens for less suffering until the fall weather hits.
Change Filters
One must when it comes to improving indoor air quality is to regularly change your HVAC air filters. We recommend that you swap yours out at least every 30 days. If you follow that, then you don’t have to invest in the high-quality ones. When you buy the ones that have a lot of filtration, it only makes your HVAC system work harder to push air. Air filters are the first line of defense that your ductwork and HVAC system has to stop allergens and fine particles from getting into your system and circulating continually, making your allergy symptoms worse.
Have Your Home Power Washed
Not only is the green hue covering your home unattractive; it is an allergy mess. When you open your windows to air out the house, unless you have washed your home’s exterior, you are letting more than fresh air in. All the dirt, debris, and allergens sitting on your windowsill are probably growing lots of mold and mildew as well, so before you let the air in, make sure to keep mold spores and allergens out by washing your home from top to bottom by hiring a pressure washing company.
Open the Windows Wide
As mentioned above, as the warmer weather makes its way to the Charleston area, now is an excellent time to open your windows wide and air your home out. According to studies, indoor air pollutants are anywhere from two to five times higher than the air outside, which is why letting your home air out is a good idea. Again, just make sure that you are bringing in what you want, and keeping out what you don’t!
Vacuum Often
The best way to keep allergens to a minimum is by being proactive about vacuuming your home regularly. If possible, invest in a vacuum with a HEPA filter to filter out fine particles and keep your air cleaner. Also, consider other routines like washing your bedding frequently and investing in dust mite-proof pillow and bedding covers. The more proactive you are, the less suffering you will experience.
Hire the Best HVAC Company in Charleston, SC for Maintenance
If it has been a while since you have had your HVAC system checked out, now is the time. Our technicians will not only clean your system and make sure that everything is in good working order; we will also check for signs that something is amiss so we can take care of issues before they become significant.
As we head fast into spring, now is an excellent time to be proactive about indoor air quality and work on purifying your air so that everyone suffers less. At Carolina Comfort Specialists, we not only provide HVAC maintenance; we give you HVAC tips to help reduce your allergy issues. Schedule your appointment for spring maintenance today!